book review

The blood of Olympus book review

(This book is recommended for 8-10-year-olds due to difficult words to read and understand.)


First third



Jason piper and Annabeth go to some ruins to find ghosts with earthen shells Jason is disguised as iros who was a beggar who helped hyppolitas

get Penelope as his wife and kill Odysseus. Later hyppolitas made iros fight Odysseus in Greek mythology. Jason met Michael varus a former roman praetor who now helps the evil earth goddess And tells the ghosts of his disguise then Jason Piper and Annabeth kill most of the ghosts and Jason is stabbed in the bottom by Michael varuses imperial gold gladius while Annabeth and piper find heras holy bed and summon her and hera tells them to sail across the Peloponnese to find the victory goddess and subdue her from her greek and roman forms fighting like other greek gods. Leo sails on his flaming ship the Argo 2 with Jason, hazel, frank, Annabeth, Percy, Piper, and coach hedge to find the victory goddess in Olympia once they find the victory goddess she forces them to fight to the death Leo gives each of them an Archimedes sphere that is harmless except for his. His friends start attacking the nickai and Nike is really angry at him so he throws the sphere which traps Nike in a place where she can’t escape.




Leo and his friends sail to Delos where they meet apollo and make a bargain with him to get a cursed daisy meanwhile piper and Annabeth are fighting a giant at the temple of Phobos and demos fear and hate where piper captures the makhai and they run. Leo flies on the argo 2 to them  and picks them up.



science blog





Light is something that travels forward from the source in a random direction until it hits something it cant pass through/opaque  then it gets reflected making a shadow.

Light is the fastest thing in the entire universe.

At class we experimented how light reflects.

And what materials make good reflectors.

We studied what opaque,translucent

Refraction and transparent mean.

It was very educational and fun  to experiment .

I learned that the mirror is a very good reflector.

I also learned how periscopes work.


I feel that science is going to teach me a lot this year while being very fun.

I also wonder what we are going to do after sound.

Overall I think that science will be fun and educational this year.