Science Reflection


Reflecting on the project that focused on open source efficiency and safety, I found the journey to be not only enlightening but also enjoyable. This project allowed me to delve into the essence of open source, transcending the mere code to understand its broader implications. It was a journey of collaboration, learning, and growth, where every contribution, from code to documentation, served as a valuable lesson.

The openness and reflection inherent in open source were particularly fascinating. The ability to see the code, understand its purpose, and how it was developed by a community of contributors was a revelation. This transparency clarified the decision-making process, as I could appreciate the effort and thought that went into each line of code. It made the project more accessible and fostered a sense of community and belonging.

A surprising discovery during my research was that a small community working together can produce more performant and secure software than large companies. Each contributor brought something unique, whether it was a new feature, a bug fix, or documentation. Additionally, my experiments led me to learn about installing Gentoo GNU/Linux, which took three days to compile, writing a 600-line Emacs config (, understanding compilers, and learning how an operating system works.

Most of this project was completed at home as I had an abundance of time to work on the project there.

Created: 2024-03-26 Tue 09:52



Whats The matter Project Review


For my what’s the matter project I made a podcast about fossil fuel. In the podcast, I had to explain the chemical/physical changes that happen when it is used/burned the cons and pros of the topic.  During this project, I learned how to make a podcast but I knew most of the information beforehand and nothing was really surprising. I chose to make a podcast because I just thought of it and thought it would be cool with no real reason. the podcast link is right here: fossil fuels   

My Project 

Here some facts that are in my project

  • carbon dioxide is made of 2 oxygen atoms and 1 carbon atom
  • carbon monoxide is made of 1 carbon atom and  1 oxygen atom
  • fossil fuels are burned to make electrical energy
  • fossil fuels come in all  forms of matter
  • fossil fuels generate lots of energy at a single location


I wasn’t really proud of anything nor did I enjoy anything. I wouldn’t really do anything differently except choose a different format. for the future, i hope i don’t do this project again because i don’t like projects they are incredible boring and take a lot of time.

Math flipgrid


Today I will be solving 3 questions

I improvised a technique/used no technique for all of them


the question above is the problem solving one

the question is shown in the video



the question above is the subtraction one

the question is shown in the video



the question above is the addition one

question in video






Bottle cap design



Did you know that an estimated 200,000 metric tons of plastic waste, i.e burnt or dumped, is created by Coca-Cola every year. I present a solution that is the coca-cola bottle cap sieve so kids can enjoy using the coca cap to sieve the sands and have lots of fun. They will find these caps around plastic polluted beaches and can use them there, encouraging them to keep them. This cap can also be used for other things like storing small things. Coca-cola has increased its number of single-use plastic bottles by 31% since 2008 and tons of sea animals, including turtles eat said plastic, think it’s food and die.


          Over 1,000 turtles die each year of entanglement in plastic. Hatchlings and young turtles are the most vulnerable to eating plastic because they don’t care much about what they eat, unlike elder turtles. This causes harm to their digestive system and can be poisonous. Over 1 million marine animals (including mammals, fish, sharks, turtles, and birds) are killed each year due to plastic in the ocean. This needs to stop, we need to start reusing our pollution instead of throwing them out. Coca-cola caps can be used for more than this, they can be used as wheels, DIY stuff but never should be thrown into the ocean.

                                   Graph in millions

                    Global plastic rates

The United States produces 37.83M tonnes of plastic a year and Canada with 1.15M tonnes of plastic a year, Dominican with 520,238 tonnes of plastic a year. Asia inputs 86% of the world’s plastic input by rivers, now that’s a lot of plastic! But not all that plastic goes into the ocean as the global ocean only has 268.950 tonnes of plastic. The grand pathway of plastic pollution



91% of plastic hasn’t been recycled. That is very bad for the environment. There are probably countless cute turtles dying from the plastic. To stop this abomination that is plastic pollution you can reuse stuff, use my bottle cap and others, and throw plastic in the trash instead of littering.

The design 

          REMEMBER LET THEM               TURTLES BREATH

rocks project

Difference between rocks and minerals and how to extract rocks or minerals.

A rock is an inorganic and a solid naturally-formed substance. A mineral is also a solid, inorganic, substance as that of the rock which has a definite crystalline structure 


We make things out of rocks and minerals like jewelry

To properly take a rock out from the soil you loosen the soil then dig around it then pull it out gently.

video:Rock or Mineral: What’s the Difference – YouTube

Types of rocks

igneous rocks are formed when magma cools or sets the characteristics are dark-colored holes and hot.

Near volcanoes and underground

.Example obsidian diorite andesite


 Metamorphic rocks are formed from extreme heat and pressure

characteristics are foliated textures random crystal orientation and mineral grains grow larger as metamorphism increases 

Location: anywhere in the world

Examples marble schist and slate


Sedimentary rocks are formed from weather erosion

Location: basically anywhere

Example: coral and fossils

video:The 3 Types of Rocks – YouTube

rock research project

Basalt is an igneous rock found in volcanoes all over the world and is usually formed due to lava flow and is very abundant in earth crust basalt is used as a rock dust fertilizer for plants  and people melt basalt to create pipes



Limestone is a very common type of carbonate sedimentary rock limestone is formed when droplents with calcium carbonate leak through cave ceilings evaporate limestone is found anywhere where an ancient sea existed usually on continental crust limestone is mostly used in architecture.


Marble can be found all over the world and is formed by subjecting limestone to extreme pressure or heat

marble is a metamorphic rock.

and is used for making and decorating houses and architecture

Creative writing- Blankville


Welcome! Blankville is a village where all is seeable but also invisible.

The villagers are invisible but the landscape isn’t so you can see their footprints therefore they are visible.

Blankville is located in the center of the earth where it is very hot as they need the magma there to stay invisible. Blankville members stay invisible to avoid being eaten by predators but they are very dim-minded because no predators can get into the center of the earth.


1.No being visible. You must always be invisible at all time

2.There are other rules


Bankville is located deep underneath the arctic

At the center of the earth to stay safe and warm the citizens chose this area to be safe from predators winter and cold weather. They also chose this area for easy metal forging and a lot of iron. Blankville looks completely invisible because every road is invisible but the houses aren’t the houses, in fact, are little rock houses that blend in The roads are very slippery so blankville citizens traverse very carefully while moving slowly on the roads for the highways blankville members move super quickly at the off course roads which don’t have rails blankville citizens fall down into the lava sometimes so citizens move very slowly and carefully.


Current president:

The current president of blankville is sir blank the XXV meaning sir blank the 25th

And the vice president of blankville is Miss.Blankess the XXX meaning Miss blankess the 30th.

The president of blankville gets to decide whatever the blankians do this leads to a lot of rebellions. Here is the official flag of blankville 


Special holidays:

1.Fast of blank this holiday is a special holiday where everybody fasts and goes above into the cold and is visible to sacrifice their lives to the president if willing. This is also a sad holiday where everyone mourns the dead. The holiday occurs on February 29th every leap year

2.Holiday of the blank

This holiday is a holiday of Joy where the president throws a party and everyone celebrates along with this every young blankville citizen will get a surprise box in their mail from the president This holiday occurs on the last day of each month.

3.The blank 7 day party

On this holiday There is no school, no work, everything is just fun. Also, 1 lucky citizen gets to be president for the week. The citizen is chosen in a raffle then a competition.