rocks project

Difference between rocks and minerals and how to extract rocks or minerals.

A rock is an inorganic and a solid naturally-formed substance. A mineral is also a solid, inorganic, substance as that of the rock which has a definite crystalline structure 


We make things out of rocks and minerals like jewelry

To properly take a rock out from the soil you loosen the soil then dig around it then pull it out gently.

video:Rock or Mineral: What’s the Difference – YouTube

Types of rocks

igneous rocks are formed when magma cools or sets the characteristics are dark-colored holes and hot.

Near volcanoes and underground

.Example obsidian diorite andesite


 Metamorphic rocks are formed from extreme heat and pressure

characteristics are foliated textures random crystal orientation and mineral grains grow larger as metamorphism increases 

Location: anywhere in the world

Examples marble schist and slate


Sedimentary rocks are formed from weather erosion

Location: basically anywhere

Example: coral and fossils

video:The 3 Types of Rocks – YouTube

rock research project

Basalt is an igneous rock found in volcanoes all over the world and is usually formed due to lava flow and is very abundant in earth crust basalt is used as a rock dust fertilizer for plants  and people melt basalt to create pipes



Limestone is a very common type of carbonate sedimentary rock limestone is formed when droplents with calcium carbonate leak through cave ceilings evaporate limestone is found anywhere where an ancient sea existed usually on continental crust limestone is mostly used in architecture.


Marble can be found all over the world and is formed by subjecting limestone to extreme pressure or heat

marble is a metamorphic rock.

and is used for making and decorating houses and architecture

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